Desire to promote free speech and public discourse. You have the right to say it, and I have the right to comment. This is the backbone of American freedom. We can always learn if we keep our minds open.

The largest threat to our Democratic Republic today is the muzzling of free speech.
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He nailed it, and got fired for doing it!
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Are you a 'Reluctant Republican'?

Dipping my toe into podcasting, here is Freemerican's Podcast1

Are you a 'Reluctant Republican'?
This is my first podcast. I plan to do many more. This was 43 years ago today..

I was the Production Director. I edited (spliced with a razor blade and tape) reel to reel audio tape and made magic, (commercials and contest promos). To maintain my energy I brought a gallon of orange juice into the studio every day and it was gone five hours later when my show was over. Funny, I don't recall ever getting the Flu when I was there.. 🙄😎

The reason there's only the parts where I talk and not the whole song is because the boss, (the Program Director) required us to record 'skimmer tapes' that only run when our mic is open, so he could yell at us for anything he thought was wrong. LOL

This is my first podcast. I plan to do many more. This was 43 years ago today..
This is me about 43 years ago.. in Racine Wisconsin at WRKR-FM
This is me about 43 years ago.. in Racine Wisconsin at WRKR-FM
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Available everywhere music is sold...

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Merry Christmas from the most forgiving and forgetful President ever! 🙄🌬️❄️
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September 25, 2024
Sale on Kamala's 'Flip Flops'!!!
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