I have been blogging for a while and when this Dave Rubin opportunity came along (locals), I thought I should give it a try.
My history is similar to many of the bloggers that I see. We once were liberals, and have gone more to the conservative side.
Truth, I voted for a Democrat every election including both of Obama’s and my first ever conservative presidential vote went to Donald J Trump.
Listening to Dave Rubin, Thomas Sowell, and a slew of other conservative to independent video creators and bloggers, I have felt the real solution to America’s problems will be solved conservatively. Seems to me the Democratic method prolongs the problems because they need people that need them, to maintain the power.
I am willing to hear arguments and supporting commentary as well. My rule is respect. We can get passionate we can push a point but when we break into name calling and degradation we’re not getting anywhere.
I won’t ever take you down because you made a good point that I disagreed with, but I will take you down if you go into childish name calling or personal attacks of other contributors.
We now, more than ever, need to discuss our country’s future. I am clearly against violence in any form and we can discuss that in great depth on this site, but our nations freedom is non-negotiable. There are clear solutions to extreme situations and we can discuss those as well.
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- Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
- Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
- No pornography
- Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
- Relax, be yourself, and enjoy